The Crucial Info to Include On Your Dental Website

Your dental website is the hub of your entire marketing strategy. It’s crucial that you have the things that potential patients are looking for when they come to your website. Information should be clear and easy for users to find. Dental Revenue, a company that specializes in marketing for dental practices, highlights the information you want to make sure you include on your dental website.

Contact Forms and Information

First and foremost, you’re looking to convert people that are viewing your website into patients. This means that you want your contact information to be clear and easy to find on the site. Your phone number and a button to take them to an online form should be prominently displayed at the top of the homepage. This draws the eye of viewers and they can easily request an appointment.

With our dental marketing plans, the Dental Revenue Dashboard can help you see the leads that are brought to you via calls from the number on the website and contact forms that are filled out. This data can help you see the benefits of your marketing strategy, as well as figure out if you need to be investing more into marketing and advertising to bring leads in the door.

Personalized Photos and Video

You may think that standard stock imagery is perfectly fine for your website. But custom photography and video are better to keep people engaged with your site and reduce bounceback rates. A smile gallery is essential to show the work that you do. People can see the magic you’re able to work when they can view cases before and after treatment.

Having video testimonials and photography of you interacting with your patients can also help with your website. It gives potential patients an emotional connection and they’re able to hear and see the impact of your work. They want to know the person they’re entrusting the care of their mouth to, not a stock image of a fake dentist.

Pages For Every Service

Whether you offer a wide variety of services or are a specialized practice, people want to know the exact services available. They don’t want to waste time on your website and learning about your practice if you don’t offer treatment for the problems they have or the procedure they’re looking for. A menu option should showcase everything you offer.

But you also don’t want to make these pages throwaway ones either. Make sure you have quality content about the services on these pages. If a patient is nervous, it may help them to know what to expect coming in. They can learn more and maybe discover a procedure that fits them perfectly that they didn’t even know existed.

Building Your Dental Website With Dental Revenue

With a combined 40 years of experience in dental marketing, we know how to make your practice stand out. Our Performance Program is designed to make sure you’re getting the best patients for your practice. To learn more, call us or schedule a demo online to get started!

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